Who are we? - Amazonia Reforestation is the business name we use for an afforestation or tree planting program that to date has planted over 1,000,000 tropical trees in the Orinoco River basin of Colombia. It has also preserved over 1,200 hectares or 3,000 acres of existing riparian forest and savannah as a natural reserve, registered with Colombia´s national parks system. More information, including pictures, can be found in this web site, or at some of the social media links listed below.
How does the tree planting program work? - We invite people committed to improving the environment and providing expanded habitat for endangered wildlife to join us as Joint Venture Partners ("JVP") in our financially sustainable afforestation and reforestation Program. As a joint venture partner you provide the money for us to plant trees that you purchase in your name. We operate the tree nursery, prepare and fertilize the soil, plant the trees, and then care for and maintain them through to maturity, harvest and sale in 10 years' time. Tropical trees are a low risk high return green investment for the future.
What are the program's main eco-benefits? - Our program expands habitat for endangered wildlife, does carbon sequestration (CO2) from the atmosphere, combats climate change facts, seeds clouds to cool the Earth, does nitrogen-fixing in poor soils and supports environmental education at a local and international level. We are committed to teaching both local people and visitors to the plantations and to our natural reserve about the benefits of conservation and sustainable forest management. Most important of all, the more plantation wood we produce and sell in international markets, the less old growth rain forest will be cut down.
How does this make money? - In 10 years the tropical trees you purchased are mature and will be harvested and the hardwood lumber sold for you at a significant profit. The international hardwood products market has seen steady growth since the 1940´s, with more people and less available wood fuelling global demand for everything from building materials to furniture and from pulp and paper to renewable biomass fuel.
Why do we cut down our hardwood trees? - Returning extremely poor soil to rain forest is a very long and difficult task, and it can take up to 50 years of structured forest management and tree planting before it even begins to look like true rain forest. Known as a primary ecology, these areas have sandy and nearly dead soil that lacks nutrients and organic layers. Our biology and forest management teams use specific hardwood trees, which are a mix of nitrogen-fixing trees, litter trees, fruit trees and native trees species, that all help to rebuild the organic layers and draw endangered wildlife back into the area, enhancing soil recovery. After 10 years the initial plantation species must be culled out to make room so that more delicate species can be planted. Many rain forest trees cannot survive in the current soil conditions and can only be introduced after soil and overhead shade cover is re-established in the area.
What is so special about 10 years? - The primary plantation trees that we harvest from the tree cultivations, mainly Acacia mangium, Eucalyptus pellita and Pinus caribaea, reach commercial maturity between 10 to 20 years. Since they are introduced species, and the goal is to replace them with native tree species, their harvest and sale during the process is a good way to finance Amazonia Reforestation´s tree planting activities. In addition, Acacia mangium and Eucalyptus pellita are very effective at carbon sequestration from the atmosphere within the first 10 to 12 years of their lives, after which their efficiency declines. As a result, the 10 year cycle we employ makes good biological and economic sense.
How does this protect old growth rain forest? - Plantation grown hardwood trees are very important for protecting currently existing old growth rain forest. The more plantation hardwood lumber there is on the market, the less demand there is to cut down currently existing natural rain forest.
Can I come and see my trees? - Our tropical tree plantation is open for you or your representative to come and visit. We have Eco-tourism and Agro-tourism facilities to make your visit comfortable. Please let us know your plans and we will help organize a trip to this amazing part of the world. Tree owners receive a 10% discount off the regular package price when staying at our La Pedregoza Ecolodge.
Where is the plantation located? - Our plantation is located on 2,650 hectares (approx. 6,550 acres) of land about 67 km out of Puerto Carreño, in Vichada, Colombia. Access is by air with Satena from Bogotá, Colombia's capital, and then by gravel road to the tree plantation. It is located around 06° 05' 51" North and 67° 43' 48" West. The tree farm lies along the banks of the Rio Bita, perhaps the world's first protected river, which flows into the mighty Orinoco River.
How do I become a joint venture partner? - A sample of our Tree Purchase Joint Venture Agreement ("TPJVA") can be sent to any interested person or business to read over. We can then assist you over the phone or by e-mail with any questions you may have and with instructions on how to become a joint venture partner. Purchases can be made by SWIFT wire transfer, or you can buy trees on-line using PayPal on this web site. To buy trees please go to our Buy Trees page or to download a sample TPJVA in PDF format please go to our Downloads page.
What are the returns like? - We will buy back your trees from you at maturity, harvest and sale in 10 years' time for slightly more than double the purchase price. So for example a purchase of $1,250 USD will be bought back for $2,640 USD, which represents the equivalent of a compounded annual rate of return of around 7.5%. You can buy trees in US or Canadian dollars, in Euros or in another agreed upon currency.
What are the risks like? - Our risk factors are limited and manageable. The hardwood trees could be destroyed by acts of god, like a drought, flood, disease, or major fire. However, these risks have all been factored into our calculations, and can be greatly mitigated with modern forest management practices. We also practice self-insurance, which means we plant a second tree of a different species in a different location for every tree for which we have a financial obligation. We renew our fire breaks every year, and undertake other controls to eliminate fire risk. As a company, we gain nothing if our tree plantations are not successful, so we are dedicated to good forest management and profitable outcomes. Tropical trees are a low risk high return green investment.
What happens after I buy my trees? - Shortly after you buy your trees you will be issued a Tree Ownership Certificate ("TOC"), which describes the number of tropical trees you purchased and their maturity date. The TOC is fully transferable, allowing for easy estate and tax planning.
vPlease contact us using the form below if you have any additional questions: