Easy shopping with PayPal
What follows is a convenient list of our various products. Just click on the PayPal button and off you go. If you are not a PayPal customer, you can still use your credit card. There is no charge to sign up as a PayPal customer. If you are thinking about a larger amount please contact us and we can discuss alternative payment methods, such as international SWIFT transfers. Check out our 2017 catalog.
Our Tree Products
Purchase 8 or more tropical trees for $12.50 USD each in increments of $100 USD. We'll plant and maintain them for 10 years, then harvest and buy them back from you for more than $26 a tree. This means the compound annual growth rate of your trees is 7.5%. Joint Venture partners receives a Tree Ownership Certificate.
If you don’t have a lot of cash, you can participate in our monthly tree ownership subscription program. Subscribe to purchase 8 tropical trees for $100 a month for 3 years. At the end of the 3 year subscription period the trees will continue to grow until their 10th year, when we'll buy them back from you for twice what you paid (a 7.18% annual growth rate). Click on subscription program to read more.
We’ll plant cashew trees for you for $25 each and then buy them back from you on a joint venture basis for $50 each in 8 years' time. Every purchase is for 60 cashew trees planted on a 1/2 hectare of land. This product supports local women who shell and process the nuts, as well as small landholders who cultivate the trees with us.
To compensate for your business’ CO2 emissions plant 20 carbon capture native trees for just $100 a month on a subscription basis. Each tree will capture around 18 KG or 40 lbs of CO2 per annum averaged over 10 years. You will have bragging rights for conserving biodiversity, while creating wildlife corridors and habitat.